Catholics can be a light to this state and the nation by allowing the truths of the faith to inform their voting decisions. This edition of Focus is intended to help Catholics in Michigan embrace the vocation of a faithful citizen in the 2024 election and beyond by putting on “the mind of Christ” before voting.
In response to national efforts to legalize and expand assisted suicide, a look at how Catholic end-of-life care promotes dignity and compassion.
Posted May 1, 2024
The Catholic Church calls for honoring and protecting the dignity of human life at all stages until natural death, which makes assisted suicide a direct contrast to the respect for life. It not only threatens the lives of the sick and dying, but also the lives of other vulnerable people. As efforts to legalize or expand assisted suicide continue to surface both in Michigan and elsewhere, this edition of Focus addresses why assisted suicide should be opposed and shows what true compassion for the suffering and dying looks like.
The latest edition of MCC’s Focus publication shares how the Catholic Church in Michigan works to protect children and prevent abuse. In this edition, meet the dedicated professionals working for the Church who oversee safe environment programs for parishes and schools, as well as the victim assistance coordinators who serve abuse survivors and assist them with the resources they need to heal. Read and watch this edition of Focus to learn how the Church is working to heal from the clergy abuse scandal and about the progress that has been made.
Amidst the ongoing news of mass shootings and gun deaths across the country, the latest edition of Focus explores the issue of gun violence and offers a Catholic response as public policymakers continue to propose and enact gun safety legislation, including here in Michigan. The intention behind this Focus is to demonstrate why gun violence is an issue of public concern, inform Catholics about the Church's stances on gun policies, and to invite Catholics to look at gun violence from the perspective of the Church’s social principles.
This edition of FOCUS presents MCC’s latest edition of its Blueprint for the Common Good, which lays out the policies MCC will advocate for during the 2023–2024 legislative session and is comprised of nine advocacy principles that originate from Catholic social teaching and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This fall, Catholics in Michigan are urged to vote no on Proposal 3, a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow unregulated, unlimited abortion in our state. This issue of focus will explain what Proposal 3 would do and why it is dangerous for Michigan. It will empower you to talk with your friends and family about why this amendment must be defeated. This edition will also equip Catholics with the principles rooted in the Church’s rich teachings on social justice that are helpful to making a well-informed vote on the entire general election ballot.
Our latest edition of Focus shows how Catholics in Michigan and beyond are responding to the call to walk with mothers in need and helping them and their children flourish. While there's a misperception that the Catholic Church cares more about unborn babies and not the mothers who carry them, the reality is that the Church has a heart for both the mother and the baby, and that has transformed into action. From the U.S. bishops’ conference down to the parish level, to Catholic Charities, the Knights of Columbus, and more, the Church is continually reaching out to mothers in difficult situations.
African-American Catholics have contributed substantially to the shaping of communities across the country. Currently there are six African-Americans in the early stages of examination for sainthood. Their life stories and witness to the Gospel demonstrate the importance of generosity, faith, and perseverance in the midst of challenges and at times, experiences of racism. FOCUS highlights potential and current saints of African descent, and shares Catholic teaching that encourages all believers to speak out against racism.
Catholics are called to a life of charity and justice, which includes engagement in the democratic process and in decisions that impact local communities. In this spirit, Michigan Catholic Conference exists as the advocacy voice of the Church in Michigan, standing up for justice and dignity during the formation of statewide public policy. Within its February Focus publication, A Blueprint for the Common Good, MCC outlines ten principles that will inform the organization’s upcoming work at the State Capitol during the 2021–2022 legislative session
This election, Michigan voters will cast ballots to determine the outcome of numerous local, state, and federal races, as well the fate of several issue proposals. In its latest FOCUS, MCC offers resources to help Catholics develop a well-formed conscience, learn from the lives of the saints, and prepare their voting choices.