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Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    December 21, 2018

    Four school children laughing and smiling with their arms around each other

    MCC Applauds New Laws to Protect Children, Create Safe Environments; Priority Measure for MCC-Pro-Marriage, Anti-Poverty Legislation-Passes; Measure Retaining Webcam Abortion Ban Sent to Governor; Legislature Allows All Students to Access State Mental Health Services; Supplemental State Budget Includes New Round of School Safety Grants; Stillborn Tax Credit Clears Michigan Legislature with Unanimous Support; Safe Delivery Device Bills Move Forward for Final Signature; School Safety Measures Continue to Gov's Desk with Bipartisan Votes; Both Chambers Approve Donor Privacy Measure, Moves Next to Governor; Petition Bill Continues to Governor Snyder .

    December 14, 2018

    A nighttime photo of the lit 2018 official Michigan Christmas tree in the foreground and the State Capitol Building in the background

    "Raise the Age" Policies Fall Just Short in 2017–2018; Measure to Retain Webcam Abortion Ban Passes House; With Bipartisan Vote, House Clears Charitable Giving Tax Credit; Michigan House Approves Petition Bill Despite Concerns.

    December 7, 2018

    A young girl hugs her grandmother affectionately

    ACTION NEEDED! Urge House to Vote on 'Raise the Age'; Measure to Retain Webcam Abortion Ban Continues Forward; Senate Approves Sexual Assault and Child Protection Bills; Senate Next to Consider School Safety Measures; Committee Widely Supports Charitable Giving Measures.

    November 30, 2018

    A youth in handcuffs holds his head in his hands while leaning against a brick wall

    MCC Applauds House Committee For Passing 'Raise the Age' Bills; School Safety Measures Clear Senate Education Committee; Senate Passes Measure to Retain Webcam Abortion Ban; Donor Privacy Measure Moves to House Committee; Wrongful Imprisonment Fix Now Before Full House; MCC Supports Legislation to Establish Forensic Science Commission.

    November 16, 2018

    Four students sit outside talking and doing homework

    ACTION NEEDED! Urge Adoption of "Raise the Age" Policies; U.S. Bishops Approve Pastoral Letter Against Racism; USCCB Applauds Cancellation of FDA Fetal Tissue Contract; The Word from Lansing: The Synod on Young People, Faith & Vocational Discernment.

    November 9, 2018

    The Michigan Senate Chamber at the state capitol building shown from above

    Michiganders Choose New Leadership for State Government; State Voters Return Incumbent to U.S. Senate; Michigan Congressional Delegation Shifts to 7-7 Split; Proposal 1 Passes, Legalizes Recreational Marijuana in State; Redistricting and Voting Measures Widely Approved by Michigan Voters; Two New Members of the State Board of Education Chosen; One Incumbent, One Challenger Head to Michigan Supreme Court; Republicans Retain Control of Michigan Legislature, Democrats Gain Seats; "Lame Duck" Session Begins for Michigan Legislature.

    November 2, 2018

    A man casting his vote in a voting booth

    Why Vote on Tuesday, November 6?; Vote 'NO' on Proposal 1 and Legalized Recreational Marijuana; Issues to Consider Before Voting on Election Day; Read Informational Backgrounders on Statewide Proposals 2 and 3; Election Logistics: Polling Place, Sample Ballot, and More.

    October 26, 2018

    Election 2018: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. Learn more at

    Catholic Conference Continues to Urge Opposition to Legalized Marijuana; Election Website Offers Informational Resources on Ballot Proposals, Voting.

    October 19, 2018

    Four school children, one of whom is smiling at the camera

    Appeals Court Issues Decision on Mandate Funding for Nonpublic Schools; On the Passing of Most Reverend Joseph Cistone of Saginaw; Election Resources Available at MCC Website.

    October 5, 2018

    A sad young man sitting in the dark leaning with his back against the wall

    Catholic Conference Launches Website for Election Resources, Information; MCC Urges 'No' Vote on Recreational Marijuana; Critical "Raise the Age" Discussion Continues; New Theme and Materials Available for Respect Life Month.

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