Lansing Update
Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.
Federal Government Will Force Religious Employers to Purchase Contraceptive Coverage; MCC Testifies in Support of Shared Time/Dual Enrollment Legislation; Catholic Conference Urges Reform of Statewide Indigent Defense System.
Governor Snyder Expected to Sign Partial-Birth Abortion Ban; Catholic Conference Testifies in Support of Education Reform Legislation.
Senate Passes Welfare Reform Legislation.
Partial Birth Abortion Ban Moves to Full House; House Commerce Committee Addresses E-Verify Immigration Legislation.
Human Services Budget Wrapped up as Legislature Finalizes 2012 Spending Plan; MCC State Budget Advocacy Recap.
Legislature Sends Governor 6% Earned Income Tax Credit; Welfare Reform Measures Move to State Senate.
House Committee Moves 48-Month Lifetime Limit for State Assistance; House Passes Fiscal Year 2012 Budgets; Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Anti-Bullying Legislation.
Scaled-Back Earned Income Tax Credit Included in Tax Bill Rewrite; Universities Required to Report on Embryo Research Under High Ed Bill; Update on Human Services Budget.
Governor’s Tax Plan Modified to Include Partial Restoration of EITC; Senate Human Services Budget Passes Out of Appropriations Committee.
Michigan Bishops Urge Greater Attention to Poor and Vulnerable in State Budget Debate; Catholic Conference Calls DHS Budget Recommendations “Unacceptable”.