Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    February 8, 2008

    Petition Forms Approved for Embryo Destructive Research Ballot Drive; Governor Releases Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2009; Action Urged for Partial-Birth Abortion Ban; House, Senate Pass Differing Versions of Driver’s License Fix; Prisoner I.D. Bills Move to House Floor.

    January 25, 2008

    Embryo Destructive Research Proponents Discuss Ballot Drive; Catholic Conference Advocacy Ensures Protection of State EITC; House Committee May Act Soon on Partial-Birth Abortion Ban; MCC Testifies in Support of Juvenile Parole Reform Bills.

    December 7, 2007

    Lansing Update Readers Encouraged to Advocate Against Embryo Destruction; House Passes Landmark Smoking Ban Bill; House Panel Hears Testimony on Adoption Bill; Prisoner Parole Guideline Changes Pass House Committee; Problematic Energy Regulation Bill Introduced.

    October 12, 2007

    Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ballot Committee Formed; Recall Efforts Announced Against Ten Legislators; Promise Grant Legislation Seeks to Assist Non-Public Schools.

    June 15, 2007

    State Finalizes Tobacco Securitization Plan; House Committee Hears Testimony on Workplace Smoking Ban; Agreement Announced on New Business Tax.

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