Disability Plans

MCC offers both a short-term disability plan and long-term disability plan to provide employees with financial protection while unable to work due to nonwork-related injury, illness, or pregnancy. Premiums are fully paid by employer.
Short-Term Disability (STD)
STD is an income replacement benefit that provides 66.67% of base earning for up to 26 weeks from date disability began. Benefits are paid every two weeks. This plan is administered by Michigan Catholic Conference.
- Short Term Disability Plan Summary Plan Description
- Short Term Disability Income Plan Frequently Asked Questions
- Short Term Disability Application
- Short Term Disability Authorization Agreement Electronic Funds Transfer
- Form W-4 (Federal Tax Withholding Form)
- Form MI-W4 (Michigan Tax Withholding Form)
- Short Term Disability Continuing Disability Statement
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
LTD benefits provide income replacement for disabilities lasting longer than 180 days. This monthly benefit pays 60% of base pay. This is a fully insured benefit through Unum.
- Long Term Disability Plan Summary of Benefits
- Long Term Disability Plan Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I file a disability claim?
LTD Claim Form
To apply for long term disability benefits, the following form must be completed. We encourage you to notify Unum of your claim as soon as possible, so that a claim decision can be made in a timely manner. Written notice of a claim should be sent within 30 days after the date your disability begins. Please mail the completed form to:
UnumThe Benefits Center
P.O. Box 100158
Columbia, SC 29202-3158
It may also be faxed to (800) 447-2498. If you have questions about your claim, please call Unum at (800) 858-6843.