Facility Managers

Equipment Breakdown and Boiler Inspections
After many years of partnering with Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) for our equipment breakdown insurance and certified state boiler inspections, the MCC has entered into an agreement with Chubb Insurance Company. As of July 1, 2022, Chubb handles all our boiler inspections with the exception of our properties within the city of Detroit. If your boiler equipment needs inspection, you can either request one through Chubb’s online request form (you will need our policy number of 76442168) or contact our dedicated Chubb Risk Engineer Joel Ingersoll at (414) 477-0661 or jingersoll@chubb.com.
For assistance with operation of your boiler equipment, Chubb has provided the helpful documents listed below that may be useful to you.
- Boiler Operating Log
- Combustion Control Devices
- Efficient and Safe Heating Boiler Operation Practices
- Installing A New Boiler
- Internal Inspection Overview
- Preparing for Internal Boiler Inspections
Facility Management
- Snow/Ice Removal Log
- Third Party Vendors
- Confined Space Entry
- Information on Pesticide Control
- Winter Weather: Ice Storm Power Failures
- Winter Weather: Presentation on Preparing for Winter Weather
- Winter Weather: Preventing Snow Load Roof Collapse
- Control of Hazardous Energy Sources (Lockout/Tagout)
- Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools
- Small Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right: EPA’s Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program
- Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
- First Aid Cabinet and Portable Kit Recommendations
- Hepatitis B Vaccination Record or Declination Statement
- OSHA Handbook for Pandemic Influenza