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News Release: Michigan Catholic Conference Statement on the Election of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

April 19, 2005

(LANSING)—Michigan Catholic Conference President and Chief Executive Officer Sister Monica Kostielney, R.S.M., made the following statement today following the election of the new successor of St. Peter, Pope Benedict XVI:

“Michigan Catholic Conference rejoices and welcomes the election of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. We pause to celebrate and give thanks for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit that worked throughout this papal election.

Pope Benedict XVI’s writings have been helpful toward an understanding of the Biblical basis for justice. In a Homily delivered for the German Bundestag in November 1981, then-Cardinal Ratzinger made the important point that in the prophet Jeremiah’s admonition to the captives of Babylon we find “the fundamental elements of a positive political ethics” in the words “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29)

We offer our prayers that Pope Benedict XVI will lead the Church in unity toward universal peace and salvation.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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