News Release: Michigan Strengthens Water Protections for Citizens
Legislation Will Ensure State Residents Do Not Lose Access to a Basic Human Right

December 22, 2020
(Lansing, Mich.) — Today Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law Senate Bill 241, sponsored by Senator Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit). The bill creates the Water Shutoff Restoration Act to prohibit a public water supplier from turning off service to an occupied residence for nonpayment until March 31, 2021. Michigan Catholic Conference supported this bill through the legislative process and today is expressing its appreciation as the bill offers protections for vulnerable residents and ensures all people have access to a basic necessity of life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We’re grateful to Senator Chang for marshalling this bill through the legislature, for encouraging support from a wide range of organizations, and for her ongoing concern for poor and vulnerable communities” said David Maluchnik, MCC Vice President for Communications. “The new Act will ensure that no Michigan resident, particularly those who are low-income or facing imminent financial hardship, will lose the ability to wash, drink, or cook for their family during the ongoing pandemic. Access to clean and affordable water is a basic necessity of life, especially during COVID when handwashing is so critical to maintain a healthy and safe home environment.”
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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