News Release: Michigan Catholic Conference Statement on the Outcome of Proposal 3
‘Our Mandate Now is to Accelerate a Mission of Love and Respect for All Human Life’

November 9, 2022
(Lansing, Mich.) — Michigan Catholic Conference released the following statement after voters passed Proposal 3, an amendment the organization believes will place full-term abortion protections in the state constitution and create legal uncertainty for numerous state laws that protect women and children. The comments below may be attributed to MCC President and CEO Paul A. Long:
“This is a tragic day for Michigan and for the cause of protecting and upholding the inherent dignity of all human life. Despite the tremendous hurdle this constitutional amendment presents, we will continue to support policies that uphold parental rights and the sanctity of human life as well as those that offer assistance to women in need. Regardless of what abortion laws and policies are in place, we continue to pray for and work toward a day where human life is welcomed as a gift and where abortion is considered an unthinkable option.
“The mandate now before us is to accelerate a mission of love and mercy where all life is respected and supported, before, during and after birth. We will expect policymakers to address with substance and empathy the women and families in our state who are in need of support and compassion to ensure they have the help and life-affirming care needed to live with their children in dignity and joy.
“We are grateful to our bishops, clergy, religious and the Catholic faithful across Michigan for their bold and courageous stand to speak the truth in love through this campaign. The outpouring of support and action from Catholic parishes and grassroots citizens across the state demonstrated the strength, size, and dedication of the pro-life movement. Even in difficult circumstances we remain committed to uphold and proclaim that unborn children demand respect and are worthy of legal protection from the moment of conception.”
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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