News Release: Statement in Response to Governor Whitmer’s Abortion Legal Filing

April 7, 2022
(Lansing, Mich.)—Through a lawsuit filed in Oakland County today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer is seeking to overturn longstanding state law that prohibits abortion in Michigan other than to save the life of the mother, despite the fact that elected officials, the state Supreme Court, and the people of the state have all in the past upheld policies to protect unborn children. Below is a response from MCC Policy Advocate Rebecca Mastee, J.D. to the governor’s legal efforts:
“The right to life for unborn children and its inherent value given by our Creator cannot be reduced to a legal opinion or legislative vote. While the legality of abortion is contingent upon democratic structures, it is unfortunate that the judicial branch is being used to try to invalidate a longstanding policy approved by elected representatives and left untouched by the Legislature for nearly a century since. Let us also recall that the people of the state in 1972 voted at the statewide ballot to oppose abortion and, perhaps most relevant to today’s legal action, the state Supreme Court has precedent here as the law in question was upheld in 1973 in People vs Bricker. Our hope is that a greater respect for the distinct and separate branches of state government returns to the political sphere, and we pray for a deeper appreciation for the life and protection of unborn children in the hearts and minds of the citizens and elected officials of the state.”
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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