Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    January 31, 2014

    Catholics Schools Week Celebrates Achievements of Catholic Education; Senate Committee Approves Legislation Connecting Human Trafficking Victims to Services; Governor to Present Budget Recommendations Next Week.

    January 24, 2014

    House Approves Several Human Trafficking Bills; House Commerce Committee Considers Legislation to Help Parolees Find Work; Despite Cold, March for Life Brings Thousands to DC; Pope Francis Releases 48th World Communications Day Message.

    January 17, 2014

    MCC Comments on Governor Snyder’s Immigration Proposal; Michigan House Officially Recognizes Contributions of Catholic Schools; January 22nd Marks March for Life in Washington DC; Human Trafficking Legislation Passes House Committee; Graphic Improvements Made to Catholic Advocacy Network Site.

    January 10, 2014

    Support for Federal Conscience Legislation Needed; Poverty and Migration in the Spotlight This Month; Visit MCC’s Re-Designed Advocacy Resource Pages.

    January 3, 2014

    U.S. Court of Appeals Grants MCC an Injunction Regarding HHS Mandate; USCCB President Asks for Relief From HHS Mandate; Sunday Marks Beginning of National Migration Week.

    December 13, 2013

    Michigan Legislature Protects Taxpayers from Funding Abortion Insurance Coverage; Human Trafficking Legislation Progresses Before Winter Break; Religious Liberty Measures a Continued Priority; 2013 MCC Legislative Recap; Legislature Has Adjourned for 2013.

    November 15, 2013

    MCC Files New Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate; Senate and House Consider Human Trafficking “Safe Harbor” Legislation; The Word from Lansing: Catholics Lead Fight Against Evil of Human Trafficking; Abortion-Opt Out Petition Signatures Reviewed by Board of State Canvassers; New USCCB President and Vice President Elected at U.S. Bishops’ General Assembly; Senate Committee Approves Religious Censorship Bill.

    October 18, 2013

    Federal District Judge Orders Bench Trial for Michigan’s Marriage Amendment; MCC Supports Work Visa Resolution; Governor Approves Increased Funding for Administrative Rates of Private Foster Care Agencies; The Word from Lansing: Preserving the Religious Liberty of Faith-Based Adoption Agencies.

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